Digital World Program - fpoipad2

What is Maryville’s Digital World Program?

A Smart Campus for All™

All traditional, full-time undergraduate students receive an iPad, free of charge. When you graduate, it’s yours to keep. No tricks, no hidden line items on your tuition bill.

你会带上你的 iPad to every class, as it will contain your textbooks, 课堂笔记, homework – just about everything you’ll need for school. No misplaced papers, and fewer heavy textbooks to carry around campus. 你所有的 critical notes and contacts are quickly accessible.

Digital World classes are a collaboration between learner and professor. All of the world’s information is just one online search away, so our professors are adapting the way they teach. Digital World classes will have you working together with professors and your fellow students to tackle real-world challenges … which is ideal preparation for the job that awaits you after graduation.